
Participative Ergonomics for Manual Tasks (PErforM) is a simple manual task risk management program based on participative ergonomics, an internationally recommended approach for reducing musculoskeletal disorders.

What is PErforM

Participative Ergonomics for Manual Tasks (PErforM) is a simple manual task risk management program based on participative ergonomics, an internationally recommended approach for reducing musculoskeletal disorders. PErforM was developed jointly by WorkSafe Queensland, University of Queensland and Curtin University of Technology.

The perform program:

  • can be applied to most types of hazardous manual tasks
  • has been used successfully in a wide range of industries
  • provides a framework to help employers engage with workers at all levels to identify, assess and control hazardous manual task risks within their workplace

PErforM is not recommended for people and animal handling tasks or computer workstation assessments.

What are the benefits for my organisation?

  • better control of manual task risks
  • legislative compliance
  • improvements in productivity
  • improved worker knowledge about manual tasks risks management
Getting started

Before  implementing PErforM at your workplace make sure you have:

  • management commitment and  support
  • identified a suitable site champion (coordinator and/or trainer)
  • workforce participation
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Musculoskeletal Disorders Prevention Plan to 2026

The Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) Prevention Plan to 2026 is a three year plan to prevent MSDs in workplaces.

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Musculoskeletal injury and disease claims
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serious claims are for MSDs*

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average cost of one serious MSD claim*

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weeks lost work per person on average*

*State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) Workers’ Compensation Insurance Data all serious MSD claims averaged over five years (2018-19 – 2022-23). Serious MSD claims are those requiring 1 or more weeks off work.

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