Conduct Risk Assessments and Propose Controls

Prioritise risk assessments
  • Outline a plan for the completion of risk assessments i.e. what to start with.
  • Pick your top worst 5 to 10 hazardous manual tasks and start there.
  • Prioritise using survey results, incident and injury data and worker feedback.
  • Review this list on a regular basis.
Conduct risk assessments
  • Undertake risk assessments on-the-job.
  • Risk assessment to be led by worker trained as a PErforM facilitator.
  • Risk assessments to have photos and videos of tasks to be captured to assist in risk assessment process.
Propose controls
  • Proposed controls to be identified for each assessment.
  • All controls to be captured and recorded for possible implementation.
  • Start with higher level controls i.e. focus on elimination, substitution, isolation and design controls.
  • Don’t reply on or revert to just low level controls i.e. Administrative controls.
  • Refer to PErforM ergonomic controls implementation, for an example of documentation that could be presented to management for decisions about controls implementation.
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