Develop a plan for implementation

Appoint a champion
  • A person is required to facilitate the PErforM program.
  • A skilled and trained champion plays a critical role in promoting and driving the program.
  • Refer to criteria for PErforM champions.
Appoint a trainer
  • Appoint a trainer(s) to deliver the PErforM for work teams training. This could involve training on-site staff or using an external provider.
  • Depending on the size of the organisation, the champion and trainer may be the same person.
  • Refer to criteria for PErforM champions.
Prepare a communication plan
  • How will the program be communicated and promoted?
    • Newsletters
    • WHS Committee
    • Notice boards
Implementing controls
  • How can the program be embedded into existing WHS systems?
  • How will controls be approved, implemented and reviewed?
  • Refer to PErforM ergonomic controls Implementation’, for an example of documentation that could be presented to management for decisions about controls implementation
  • How will the program be evaluated?
  • What performance indicators can be used? i.e. discomfort surveys, number controls implemented, number risk assessments completed
  • Refer to SafeWork Australia article on Performance Indicators.
Pilot the program
  • Consider piloting the program before implementing it across the organisation.
  • Focus on an area of the organisation that you would like to make change or improvements i.e. use injury/claims data, input from workers.
Identify work teams (facilitators) or a committee to undertake risk assessments and devise controls
  • The mix of people involved in the program may vary depending on the industry, tasks and work area being considered.
  • It is essential to involve those doing the work as well as any other people impacted on by changes such as maintenance or cleaning staff.
  • Other significant people include those with decision making capacity as well as engineering and innovative thinkers.
Identify hazardous manual tasks to be included in the training program
  • Determine appropriate hazardous manual tasks for teaching/learning risk assessment skills in the workshops.
  • Have the work teams identify the hazardous manual tasks is part of the process.
  • Have a few tasks already identified and videoed for the purposes of training.
  • Obtain video footage of tasks flagged for use in the work team skills training session.
  • Refer handy tips for taking video footage
Prepare training and workshop sessions
  • Prepare for training and workshop sessions including power point presentation, resources, handouts, location etc.
  • Refer to PErforM for work teams workshop preparation guidelines.
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