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What does good reporting look like?

Good reporting means:

  • systems and procedures are in place for reporting safety issues and incidents
  • health and safety issues and incidents are always reported and acted upon
  • risk controls are always reviewed following an incident
  • you notify us of serious incidents, near misses and fatalities
  • reports help you identify issues, why they occurred and how to fix them
  • reports help you identify trends, priorities and prevention measures
Easy to do
work health and safety

Health and safety reporting procedures*

Talk to your workers before developing or reviewing a reporting procedure, because they witness most of the health and safety issues in your workplace and can help make sure the procedure suits your business.

What to report

  • injuries, illnesses and fatalities
  • near misses
  • damaged or faulty equipment
  • housekeeping issues
  • health and safety hazards
  • suggestions and improvements

Serious and life-threatening hazards must be reported immediately. Call SafeWork NSW immediately on 13 10 50 if there is a:

  • death
  • serious injury or illness
  • potentially dangerous incident

Who to report to

Workers should report health and safety issues to their:

  • supervisor
  • manager, or
  • health and safety representative or health and safety committee

How to report

Workers can raise health and safety issues by:

  • talking to a manager or supervisor
  • completing a hazard/incident report form
  • raising it at a staff meeting

A register should be kept for all issues and incidents.

Who actions reports

Appoint someone to action hazard and incident reports. This could be a supervisor, manager or health and safety representative.

Encourage reporting*

  • Train all your workers in the reporting procedure.
  • Train your workers to recognise hazards.
  • Encourage them to speak up quickly about safety issues.
  • Praise them for reporting safety issues, including near misses.
  • Encourage regular discussions about opportunities to improve health and safety.
  • Consider appointing a health and safety representative or forming a health and safety committee.

Act upon reports

  • Let workers know you have received their report, keep them updated on progress, and advise them of the outcome.
  • Address the issue immediately, if possible, and track progress until it is resolved.
  • Investigate each report to find why it happened - eg if there are any new hazards, if control measures are not working, or if your workers are not following procedures correctly.
  • Use effective control measures to manage the risk.
  • Review your reports regularly to identify trends.

*Some questions may not apply if you are a sole trader, unless you engage with sub-contractors, labour-hire workers, volunteers, work experience, etc.


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