Workers compensation and recovery at work

Understanding your workers compensation obligations will assist you to support your workers to recover at work following a work-related injury or illness.

Question 1 of 5
Is your workers compensation insurance policy up to date and reflect your type of business?*

You have a current workers compensation insurance policy that reflects the nature of your business

You update your insurance policy when your business grows or changes.

* Some questions may not apply if you are a sole trader, unless you employ workers.

Is information about how to notify an injury and make a workers compensation claim always available to your workers?*

Information about how to notify an injury and make a workers compensation claim, including the name and address of your insurer, is always available to your workers

* Some questions may not apply if you are a sole trader, unless you employ workers.

Do you have a return to work program?*

Have a return to work program that describes the steps you will take if a worker is injured in line with the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) guidelines for workplace return to work programs.

* Some questions may not apply if you are a sole trader, unless you employ workers.

Do you have an injury reporting system?*

Keep a record of all work-related injuries or illnesses in a register of injuries

Notify your insurer of all workplace injuries within 48 hours

Notify SafeWork NSW immediately on 13 10 50 if there's a death, serious injury or illness, or potentially dangerous incident.

* Some questions may not apply if you are a sole trader, unless you employ workers.

On returning to work, are workers given suitable work and do they have a recovery at work plan?*

You have a return to work program that describes the steps you will take if a worker is injured in line with the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) guidelines for workplace return to work program (

You maintain contact with your injured worker and support them to 'recover at work'

* Some questions may not apply if you are a sole trader, unless you employ workers.


If you leave, your progress will not be saved. If you stay and complete a few quick questions, you’ll see some simple steps that could help improve WHS in your business.